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Nov. 1 2017
Every letter of the alphabet is represented on the farm
Oct. 26 2017
The most difficult parts of the internship process are identifying available internships and keeping track of application due dates
Oct. 7 2017
For those of us with birthdays during the first week of October, it’s a special treat to celebrate with all our friends at Expo
Oct. 4 2017
A pair of Senior Champions went on to be named the overall champions of the show
Oct. 3 2017
With an average score of 47.2 points on the day, Crothers topped the contest and paced the high team
Sept. 28 2017
The use of tile drainage varies across the Midwest
Intern 2017
Sept. 18 2017
Students interested in dairy and journalism are encouraged to apply for the 2018 Hoard’s Dairyman editorial internship
use your mind2
July 13 2017
Technology has helped improve milk production, reproduction, and made managing cows at our farm easier. Parlor identification, milk meters, and automated activity monitoring are all tied together
June 1 2017
Today is World Milk Day. Launched in 2001 by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, its intent is to recognize milk as a global food
May 16 2017
We graze our Guernsey herd for as many months out of the year as the Oregon weather allows. In a normal year this season lasts from the beginning of April through October
March 14 2017
When I was a kid, I loved report cards. For me, it was important to measure how I was doing in my classes.Now that I’m a dairy farmer, metrics are just as important
March 2 2017
With spring around the corner, it’s time for a fresh start.
Feb. 27 2017
Ultimately, the economically optimal pregnancy rate depends on many herd specific factors, but especially the costs associated with making the management changes that result in an increased pregnancy rate
Feb. 6 2017
Nearly every dairy farm features some type of data collection or herd management software. It can range from rumination or activity monitors to simple herd tracking with PCDART or Dairy Comp 305
Jan. 13 2017
Kansas State University professor Jeff Stevenson started the monthly Hoard’s Dairyman webinar with a timeline overview of management tools that have aided in the reproduction progress of dairy cows
Jan. 3 2017
My kids went back to school today after their Christmas vacation, but our other Christmas break is still going. Our other Christmas break is a six-week break from calving
Sept. 19 2016
Mastitis control in any herd begins with good protocols facilitated by informed employees who are cognizant of the importance of identifying and handling mastitis cases early and effectively
Sept. 15 2016
Make sure that you have high-quality colostrum in stock. The excitement that a newborn calf brings can be one of the best feelings in the world. Unfortunately, the disappointment you feel when you discover...
Sept. 6 2016
Milk is one of the most requested and least available items at food banks. By Darleen Sichly, Oregon Dairy Farmer Is anyone else looking at the calendar and wondering how in the world it's September already?...
Sept. 1 2016
We can help reduce animal stress when milking by maintaining a calm environment. Amidst the humming of fans and the constant rhythm of the milking machines, I tend to do some of my best thinking while...